
Home/新たなセルロース素材「アモルセル®」 AMORCELL® – A Sustainable Material


A new amorphized material made of sustainable wood cellulose fiber produced using renewable energy.
It has toughness that exceeds that of plastics. It can be used as a new petroleum-free material.

  • アウトガス「0」の衛星筐体部材Potential for satellite housing material with “0” outgassing.

  • アクリル樹脂と同等の硬度Hardness equivalent to acrylic resin.

  • ポリプロピレンの約2倍の衝撃強さTwice impact strength of polypropylene.

  • 優れた弾性変形Excellent elastic deformation.

  • アルミ蒸着紙を超える酸素ガスバリア性Oxygen barrier property beyond aluminum deposition.

  • 最高レベルの水素ガスバリア性Highest level of hydrogen gas barrier properties.

  • 完全なサステナブルとリサイクル性Fully sustainable and recyclable.

  • 半透明性Sub-Translucency.

アモルセル®の物性比較Comparative physical properties of AMORCELL®

Until it is madeアモルセル®ができるまで



CNF (cellulose nanofiber) has been receiving strong attention internationally as a next-generation advanced material, however, CNF-product development has long been struggled by a dehydration process that takes several hours, a drying process, and high costs of several thousand dollars per kilogram. Then, people think that developing a 100% CNF product would be impossible on the cost side, instead, there has been a shift toward the development of reduced plastic products by mixing CNF with plastics, it seems like taking advantage of CNF’s characteristics (lightweight, high strength, high elasticity, and low thermal expansion). But, there, there will be another fundamental difficulty, which is how to mix hydrophilic (cellulose) materials with hydrophobic materials (plastics).

当社におきましては、CNFの優れた特性を生かすためにはCNFのみでの製品開発が重要であるというポリシーの下、工程やコストの課題を解決して、CNF活用による脱プラスチック社会の実現と持続可能な社会構築への貢献を念頭に置き、中小企業庁「令和4年度 成長型中小企業等研究開発支援事業(Go-Tech事業)」の支援を受けて、”マテリアルズ・インフォマティクス解析1)によるセルロースナノファイバー中間素材作成の最適化”研究を行ってきました。

Regarding the R&D of CNF, we aim to solve the process and the cost issues, and then contribute to realizing a plastics-free society and building a sustainable society through CNF. And, we have a principal policy that it is important to develop products using only CNF (NOT with plastics) to take advantage of the excellent characteristics of CNF. Fortunately, we conduct research “Optimization of the creation of cellulose nanofiber intermediate materials by materials informatics analysis1) ” supported by the “Go-Tech Project” of the Small and Medium Enterprises Agency (FY2022-2024).


Here, we have succeeded in significantly shortening the dehydration process and drying time (less than 1/20th that of other companies), and then reducing the cost of CNF raw materials (less than 1/100th that of conventional products).


Furthermore, through the R&D, we discovered a method that enables the amorphization of cellulose in a normal environment (international patent pending), which had been confirmed only in extremophile environments (320°C/250 atm)2), thereby making it possible to create CNF molded bodies with higher density and higher hardness than ever before reported. The physical properties are tremendous as made by cellulose; impact resistance is twice as high as that of polypropylene, the same hardness as acrylic resin, and a high degree of elastic deformation (recovery even after bending). Furthermore, it exhibited oxygen gas barrier properties that exceeded those of aluminium vapor-deposited paper, highest level of hydrogen gas barrier properties, and alchol impermeability.


We are pleased to name our amorphized CNF product “Amorcell® because of its tremendous properties unbelieved in any cellulose products ever.

(写真左半分)AMORCELL® has Sub-Translucency (left half of the photo).


1)Materials Informatics (MI) analysis refers to the use of machine learning and other information sciences to predict and optimize the physical properties of organic, inorganic, metallic, and other materials.
Especially with the recent development of AI technology, MI analysis is receiving a great deal of attention.

2)Shigeru Deguchi, Kaoru Tsujii and Koki Horikoshi, Cooking cellulose in hot and compressed water, Chemical Communications 31: 3293–3295, 2006.
